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Notifications and Alerts
Notifications and Alerts
How to view the alerts and notification history for a client
How to set the client's phone number that leads will be forwarded to
How to set the client's phone number where SMS leads will be forwarded to
How to set the client's email address where email leads will be forwarded to
How to set the frequency at which the client receives invoices
How to change the alerts and notifications that your client receives
How to view the email notification history for all campaigns
How to view the email notification history for a client
How to view the email notification history for a specific campaign
How to edit the recharge failed email notification
How to edit the recharge successful email notification
How to edit the missed call lead email notification
How to edit the invoice reminder email notification
How to edit the new email lead email notification
How to edit the dispute filed email notification
How to edit the dispute accepted email notification
How to edit the dispute rejected email notification
How to edit the new SMS lead email notification
How to edit the Account unsuspended email notification
How to edit the offline payment added email notification
How to set the email address (reply-to) for when your customers reply to an email notification
How to set the From name that email alerts and notifications are sent from
How to set the phone number that will be used to send your customers SMS notifications
How to edit the new user email notification
How to edit the forgotten password email notification
How to edit the new voicemail email notification
How to edit the missed call email notification
How to edit the new sms email notification
How to edit the new scheduled report email notification
How to edit the ad hoc report email notification
How to edit the new invoice email notification
How to edit the invoice pending email notification
How to edit the new call lead email notification
How to edit the prepaid balance is low email notification
How to edit the account suspension email notification
How to edit the account paused email notification
How to edit the account unpaused email notification